IMDA Accepting Awards Competition Entries

The In-Mold Decorating Association, based in Skokie, Illinois, is accepting entries for its 13th annual IMDA Awards Competition. The association began accepting entries Feb. 1 and will close April 15.

The 2019 competition recognizes the industry’s best in-mold labeled packaging and in-mold decorated durable products. The winning entries are chosen based on creativity in design, engineering and innovation. This competition is open to companies involved in any form of in-mold labeled packaging (IML), in-mold decorated durable products (IMD) and in-mold electronics (IME).

The IMDA awards committee has restructured and condensed this year’s contest into five categories. They are:

  • Best Part Design
  • Best Label Design (includes appliques and inserts)
  • Best In-Mold Decorated Package (includes injection molded, thermoformed and blow-molded entries)
  • Best In-Mold Decorated Durable Part (includes injection molded, thermoformed and blow-molded entries)
  • Best Technical Achievement

Winners will be honored at the 2019 IMDA Symposium dinner on June 3 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, Franklin, Tennessee. Entries must be received at IMDA by April 15. No entries will be accepted after that date.

Complete 2019 IMDA Awards competition information and entry form are available at the IMDA awards web page. For additional information, contact Ron Schultz, IMDA executive director, at 480.993.9818 or [email protected].